Peter Peer, until 2010 |
Publications |
For timely dissemination of research work! All rights are retained by
the authors and the publishers!
Publications: |
P. Peer, L. G. Corzo, A novel 2DGE protein-segmentation algorithm,
Electrotechnical Review 74(4), pp. 177-182, 2007. |
P. Peer, V Segura, F. Solina, Common open representation of
computer vision results in 2DGE research, Electrotechnical Review 74(3), pp. 119-124, 2007. |
P. Peer, L. G. Corzo, Local pixel value collection algorithm for
spot segmentation in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis research, Comparative and
Functional Genomics 7(1), pp. 77-85, 2007. |
P. Peer, F. Solina, Where
physically is the optical center?, Pattern
Recognition Letters 27(10), pp. 1117-1121, 2006. |
L. G. Corzo, J. A. Penaranda,
P. Peer, Estimation of a fluorescent lamp spectral
distribution for color image in machine vision, Machine
vision and application 16(5), pp. 306-311, 2005. |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard
Camera Approach, International Journal of
Computer Vision 47(1/2/3), pp. 149-160, 2002. |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Capturing Panoramic Depth Images with a
Single Standard Camera, International Journal
on Machine Graphics and Vision 10(3), pp. 369-397, 2001. |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Panoramic Depth Imaging with Mosaicing, Electrotechnical
Review 68(4), pp. 177-185, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 2001. (Slovenian version with extended
abstract in English) |
P. Peer, B.
Čargo, I. Kononenko, Extension of ReliefF, Electrotechnical
Review 64(5), pp. 277-283, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 1997. (Slovenian version with extended
abstract in English) |
Chapters: |
P. Peer, B. Batagelj, Art - a perfect testbed for computer vision related research,
Recent advances in multimedia signal processing and communications, Eds. M. Grgić, K. Delač, M. Ghanbari, pp. 611-629, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, 2009.
P. Peer, F. Solina, Real time panoramic depth imaging from multiperspective panoramas using standard cameras,
Robot vision: new research, Ed. T. Matsuda, pp. 189-210, New York, Nova Science, 2009.
P. Peer, F. Solina, Multiperspective panoramic depth imaging,
Computer Vision and Robotics, Ed. John X. Liu, pp. 135-188, New York, Nova Science, 2006.
Publications: |
R. Avsec, P. Peer,
OpenCV and iPhone: face detection in real-time,
Image Processing and its Usage in Slovenia ROSUS'09,
Ed. Božidar Potočnik, pp. 131-138, Maribor,
Slovenia, March 2010. (Slovenian version) |
U. Klopčič, P. Peer,
Fingerprint-based human verification system, Image Processing and its Usage in Slovenia ROSUS'09,
Ed. Božidar Potočnik, pp. 123-130, Maribor,
Slovenia, March 2010. (Slovenian version) |
G. Vrček, P. Peer,
Iris-based human verification system: a research prototype,
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP'09,
Ed. ..., pp. ..., Chalkida,
Greece, June 2009. |
R. Kreslin, D. Dežman, Ž. Emeršič, P. Peer,
Use of Unconventional User Interfaces Based on Computer Vision in Computer Games,
Image Processing and its Usage in Slovenia ROSUS'09,
Ed. Božidar Potočnik, pp. 165-175, Maribor,
Slovenia, March 2009. (Slovenian version) |
G. Vrček, P. Peer,
Iris-based human verification system, Image Processing and its Usage in Slovenia ROSUS'09,
Ed. Božidar Potočnik, pp. 150-156, Maribor,
Slovenia, March 2009. (Slovenian version) |
D. Geršak, J. Gračner, P. Peer,
Web Application for Managing Slovenian POI and Transfer to a GPS Gadget,
International Symposium on Electronics in Transport ISEP'08, Eds. ..., pp. ...,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2008. |
P. Peer, B. Batagelj,
Computer Vision in Contemporary Art (Introduction to the Special Session),
International Symposium ELMAR'08, Eds. M. Grgić, S. Grgić, pp. 471-474,
Zadar, Croatia, September 2008. |
P. Peer,
Science & Art Hand in Hand @ CVL,
VIP Symposia on Internet related research with elements of M+I+T++ VIPSI'08,
Genova, Italy, July 2008. (Keynote/invited lecture) |
J. Kovač, P. Peer, F. Solina,
Automatic Natural and Man-made Scene Differentiation Using Perspective Geometrical Properties of the Scenes,
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP'08,
Ed. G. Rozinaj, pp. 507-510, Bratislava,
Slovakia, June 2008. |
P. Peer,
AVT2000 - a machine for classifying marble tiles, Image Processing and its Usage in Slovenia ROSUS'08,
Ed. Božidar Potočnik, pp. 72-76, Maribor,
Slovenia, March 2008. (Slovenian version) |
J. Katrašnik, M. Veber, P. Peer,
Using computer vision in a rehabilitation method of a human hand, Mediterranean Conference on
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing MEDICON 2007, International Federation for
Medical and Biological Engineering, Eds. T. Jarm, P. Kramar, A. Županič,
pp. 947-949, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2007. |
P. Peer, L. G. Corzo, Fast spot hypothesizer for 2-DE research,
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and
Applications VISAPP 2007, Eds. A. K. Ranchordas, H. Araújo, J. Vitria, pp. 284-289,
Barcelona, Spain, March 2007. |
B. Batagelj, F. Solina, P.
Peer, 15 seconds of fame - an interactive, computer-vision
based art installation, ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp.
764-765, New York, NY, USA, October 2004. |
J. Kovač, P.
Peer, F. Solina, Human Skin Colour
Clustering for Face Detection, International Conference on Computer as a Tool EUROCON 2003, Eds. B.
Zajc, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2003. |
Kovač, P. Peer, F. Solina, Illumination Independent
Color-Based Face Detection, International Symposium
on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA'03,
Eds. S. Lončarić, A. Neri, H. Babić,
pp. I:510-515, Rome, Italy, September 2003. |
P. Peer, F. Solina, Towards a
Real Time Panoramic Depth Sensor, International Conference on
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP'03 (Lecture
notes in computer science, 2756, Springer), Eds. N.
Petkov, M. A. Westenberg, pp. 107-115, Groningen, The
Netherlands, August 2003. |
Kovač, P. Peer, F. Solina, 2D Versus 3D Colour Space
Face Detection, EURASIP Conference
on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications EC-VIP-MC'03,
Eds. M. Grgić, S. Grgić, pp. 449-454, Zagreb, Croatia,
July 2003. |
Solina, P. Peer, B. Batagelj, S. Juvan, J. Kovač,
Color-Based Face Detection in the "15 Seconds of
Fame" Art Installation, International Conference on
Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration for
Model-based Imaging, Rendering, image Analysis and Graphical
special Effects MIRAGE'03, Ed. W. Philips, pp. 38-47, INRIA Rocquencourt, France,
March 2003. |
F. Solina, P. Peer, B.
Batagelj, S. Juvan, 15 seconds of fame — an interactive,
computer-vision based art installation, International
Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics And Vision
ICARCV’02, pp. 198-204,
Singapore, December 2002. |
P. Peer, B. Batagelj, F.
Solina, Using Computer Vision in Security Applications, International
Symposium on Electronics in Traffic ISEP'02, Eds. M. Anžek,
S. Petelin, P. Verlič, pp. V10 6 pages, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
October 2002. |
S. Juvan, F. Solina, B.
Batagelj, P. Peer, 15 Seconds of Fame - Interactive Art
Installation, Electrotechnical and Computer Science
Conference ERK'02, IEEE Region 8, Ed. B. Zajc, Volume B,
pp. 259-262, Portorož, Slovenia, September 2002. (Slovenian
version) |
B. Batagelj, P. Peer, F.
Solina, System for Active Video Observation over the Internet,
International Symposium on Video / Image Processing and
Multimedia Communications VIPromCom'02, EURASIP - IEEE
Region 8, Ed. M. Grgić, pp. 221-226, Zadar, Croatia, June
2002. |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging
with a Single Standard Camera, IEEE
Workshop on Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision
SMBV'01 (IEEE CVPR'01), Eds. G. R. Bradski,
T. E. Boult, pp. 75-84, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, December 2001. |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging
with a Single Standard Camera, Presentation @
IEEE Workshop on Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision
SMBV'01 (IEEE CVPR'01), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, December 2001. (Movie within the presentation) |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Generation of Panoramic Depth Images with
a Single Standard Camera, Electrotechnical
and Computer Science Conference ERK'01, IEEE
Region 8, Ed. B. Zajc, Volume B, pp. 273-276,
Portorož, Slovenia, September 2001. (Slovenian version) |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, SecurityAgent: Security and Monitoring
Computer Enhanced Video System, Electrotechnical
and Computer Science Conference ERK'01, IEEE
Region 8, Ed. B. Zajc, Volume B, pp. 119-122,
Portorož, Slovenia, September 2001. (Slovenian version, English
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single
Standard Camera, International Symposium on
Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA'01,
IEEE Region 8, Eds. S. Lončarić, H. Babić, pp.
170-175, Pula, Croatia, June 2001. |
P. Peer, B.
Prihavec, I. Kononenko, F. Solina, Visualization
of Human Bioelectromagnetic Field, Electrotechnical
and Computer Science Conference ERK'99, IEEE
Region 8, Ed. B. Zajc, Volume B, pp. 163-166,
Portorož, Slovenia, September 1999. (Slovenian version, English
P. Peer, F.
Solina, An Automatic Human Face Detection Method,
Computer Vision Winter Workshop, Ed. N.
Brändle, pp. 122-130, Rastenfeld, Austria, February 1999.
(Overview/poster: part 1, part
2) |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Automatic Detection of Human Faces in
Images, COST #254: International Workshop on
Intelligent Communications and Multimedia
Terminals, Eds. J. F. Tasič, U. Burnik, pp.
39-42, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 1998. |
Kovač, P. Peer, F. Solina, Eliminating
the Influence of Non-Standard Illumination from Images,
Research Report, Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January 2003. |
Kovač, P. Peer, F. Solina, 2D Versus 3D Colour Space
Face Detection, Research Report, Faculty of Computer and
Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, January 2003. |
Economopoulos, D. Martakos, P. Peer, F. Solina, Panoramic
Stereo Vision and Depth-Assisted Edge Detection,
Research Report, Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Department
of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, July
2001. |
P. Peer, Panoramic
Depth Imaging with Mosaicing, Master Thesis,
Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2001. (Slovenian version) |
P. Peer, Analysis
of Fine Arts with Computer Vison, Research
Report, Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
December 2000. (Slovenian
version) |
P. Peer, Using
Projective Geometry in Computer Vision: Automatic
Construction of 3D Models, Research Report,
Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2000. (Slovenian version) |
P. Peer, M.
Peternel, Projective Geometry: Using It in
Computer Science, Research Report, Faculty
of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, June 2000. (Slovenian version) |
P. Peer, Visualization
of Human Bioelectromagnetic Field, Research
Report, Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
September 1999. (Slovenian
version) |
P. Peer, Hough
Transform and Ellipse Fitting, Research
Report, Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
March 1999. (Slovenian
version) |
P. Peer, F.
Solina, Slovenian Virtual Gallery on the
Internet, Research Report, Faculty of
Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, February 1999. |
P. Peer, Automatic
Detection of Human Faces in Images, Student
Prešeren Award Work, Faculty of Computer and
Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
November 1998.
(Slovenian version) |
P. Peer, Automatic
Detection of Human Faces in Images, Diploma
Thesis, Faculty of Computer and Information Science,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
September 1998. (Slovenian
version) |
P. Peer, When Machine Becomes
an Artist, Delo Newspaper, p. 10, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 10 June 2002. (Slovenian version) |
Publications in the Publications Database of Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Publications listed in
the COBISS (Co-operative Online Bibliographic
System & Services) database