Peter Peer, 1999

P. Peer, B. Prihavec, I. Kononenko, F. Solina, Visualization of Human Bioelectromagnetic Field, Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'99, IEEE Region 8, Ed. B. Zajc, Volume B, pp. 163-166, Portoro�, Slovenia, 1999.

Visualization of Human Bioelectromagnetic Field

English abstract

With the developement of technology it has become possible to scientificaly study some aspects of the aura (bioelectromagnetic field) phenomenon. We are using Kirlian effect also known as Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique to gather auras of person's fingers. Since we are developing an expert system for diagnosis from GDV images using the machine learning techniques which proved to be successful also in classical medicine, we have to obtain numerical information from aquisited images. This article describes the computer vision methods applied to GDV images in order to get the aura of the whole body, which is the first step towards mentioned expert system.


Last modified: 10/18/2003 12:16:45