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Žiga Emeršič

Žiga Emeršič

Assistant ProfessorDocent

Computer Vision LaboratoryLaboratorij za računalniški vid
IEEE Member #98052610

  • +386 1 479 8240

University of LjubljanaUniverza v Ljubljani
Faculty of Computer and Information ScienceFakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana, EU


Doctor of ScienceDoktor znanosti


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information ScienceUniverza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko

Master of Engineering
of Computer and Information Science
Magister inženir
računalništva in informatike


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information ScienceUniverza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko

Bachelor of Engineering
of Computer and Information Science
(University program)
Diplomirani inženir
računalništva in informatike
(univerzitetni program)


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information ScienceUniverza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko


  • IJCB 2023 Local Arrangements ChairPredsednik lokalne organizacije za IJCB 2023
  • SDRV Excellence Plaque for Notable Doctoral Work, 2023Plaketa odličnosti SDRV za odmevno doktorsko delo, 2023
  • Guest co-editor: Sensors 2022-23 "Trustless Biometric Sensors and Systems"Gostujoči sourednik: Sensors 2022-23 "Trustless Biometric Sensors and Systems"
  • Special award of the University of Ljubljana for university teachers, 2022Svečana listina Univerze v Ljubljani mladim visokošolskim učiteljem, 2022
  • European Association for Biometrics Award 2021 - Max Snijder (+ Best Presentation Award)Nagrada Evropske zveze za biometrijo - Max Snijder 2021 (+ nagrada za najboljšo predstavitev)
  • Voted the best teaching assistant, by the MSc students, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, 2019.Izglasovan za naj asistenta s strani magistrskih študentov, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani, 2019.
  • Special recognition award for research, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, 2018.Posebno priznanje za raziskovalno delo, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani, 2018.
  • Special recognition award for teaching, Faculty for Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, 2016.Posebno prizanje za pedagoško delo, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani, 2016.
  • Invited key speaker at the Second International Symposium on Machine Learning Applications at Costa Rica Institute of Technology, 2018, Costa Rica.Vabljen govornik na 2. mednarodnem simpoziju iz aplikacij strojnega učenja na Costa Rica Institute of Technology, 2018, Kostarika.
  • Co-organizer of the first machine learning summer school in Central America - EVeMa, 2018, San José, Costa Rica. (I lectured on selected topics from supervised machine learning, deep learning and biometrics.)Soorganizator prve poletne šola strojnega učenja v Centralni Ameriki - EVeMa, 2018, San Jose, Kostarika. (Predaval sem teme s področja nadzorovanega strojnega učenja, globokega učenja in biometrije.)
  • Co-organizer of the “2nd Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge 2019” as a part of IEEE International Conference on Biometrics 2019, Greece, EU.Soorganizator tekmovanja “Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge 2019” v okviru konference IEEE International Conference on Biometrics 2019, Grčija.
  • Co-organizer of the “1st Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge 2017” as a part of IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.Soorganizator tekmovanja “Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge 2017” v okviru konference IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2017, Denver, Kolorado, ZDA.
  • Research exchange at Kyungpook National University, South Korea, December 2018 - March 2019.Raziskovalna izmenjava na Kyungpook National University, Južna Koreja, december 2018 - marec 2019.
  • One of the founding members of the start-up OOSM, participation in the final selection of 10 companies and acquiring founding money at the accelerator Startupbootcamp – Smart City & Living, Amsterdam 2015.Eden izmed soustanoviteljev startupa OOSM, udeležba in uvrstitev v finalni izbor top 10 in pridobitev ustanovnih sredstev na pospeševalniku Startupbootcamp – Smart City & Living, Amsterdam 2015.
  • Local arrangements for the 11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2015.Pomoč pri organizaciji konference “11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition”, 2015.



  • Gregor Gabrovšek, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič, Borut Batagelj: "Authorship attribution on short texts in the Slovenian language" Applied sciences, 2023
  • Anja Hrovatič, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc, Žiga Emeršič: "Efficient Ear Alignment using a Two-Stack Hourglass Network", IET Biometrics, 2023
  • Matija Teršek, Maša Kljun, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: "Re-evaluation of the CNN-based State-of-the-art Crowd-counting Methods with Enhancements", Computer Science and Information Systems, 2022
  • Žiga Emeršič, Diego Sušanj, Blaž Meden, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc: "ContexedNet: Context–aware Ear Detection in Unconstrained Settings", IEEE Access, 2021
  • Indranil Balki, Afsaneh Amirabadi, Jacob Levman, Anne L.Martel, Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden, Angel Garcia - Pedrero, Saul C. Ramirez, Dehan Kong, Alan R. Moody, Pascal N. Tyrrell: "Sample-Size Determination Methodologies for Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Research: A Systematic Review", Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 2019
  • Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "Evaluation and Analysis of Ear Recognition Models: Performance, Complexity and Resource Requirements", Neural Computing & Applications, 2018
  • Žiga Emeršič, Luka Lan Gabriel, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks for Pixel-Wise Ear Detection and Segmentation", IET Biometrics, 2018
  • Blaž Meden, Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "k-Same-Net: k-Anonymity with Generative Deep Neural Networks for Face Deidentification", Entropy, 2018
  • Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "Ear Recognition: More Than a Survey", Neurocomputing, 2017
  • Žiga Emeršič, Jernej Bule, Jerneja Žganec-Gros, Vitomir Štruc in Peter Peer: "A case study on multi-modal biometrics in the cloud", Elektrotehniški vestnik 81(3), 2014
  • Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič, Jernej Bule, Jerneja Žganec-Gros in Vitomir Štruc: "Strategies for Exploiting Independent Cloud Implementations of Biometric Experts in Multibiometric Scenarios", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014

Book ChaptersPoglavja v knjigah

  • Dejan Štepec, Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc: "Constellation-Based Deep Ear Recognition", Deep Biometrics, Springer, 2019
  • Peter Rot, Matej Vitek, Klemen Grm, Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc: "Deep Sclera Segmentation and Recognition", Handbook of Vascular Biometrics, Springer, 2019
  • Žiga Emeršič, Janez Križaj, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "Deep Ear Recognition Pipeline", Recent Advances in Computer Vision: Theories and Applications, Springer, 2018


  • Luka Markićević, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: "Improving ear recognition with super-resolution”, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IEEE, 2023
  • Robert Jutreša, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič, Jihun Kim: "Keeping drivers alert: a solution for monitoring driver attention in assisted-driving vehicles”, MIPRO, IEEE, 2023
  • Grega Dvoršak, Ankita Diwedi, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: "Kinship Verification from Ear Images: An Explorative Study with Deep Learning Models”, International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IEEE, 2022
  • Leon Premk, Žiga Emeršič, Tim Oblak: “Automatic Latent Fingerprint Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, IEEE, 2021
  • Benjamin Džubur, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: "Bias Analysis of Deep Face Recognition with Masked Faces", International Electrotechnical and Computer Conference, IEEE, 2021
  • Alwin Poulose, Žiga Emeršič, Odongo Steven Eyobu, Dong Seog Han, "An Accurate Indoor User Position Estimator For Multiple Anchor UWB Localization", International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence , 2020
  • Jaka Stavanja, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: “Use of Keystroke Dynamics and a Keystroke-Face Fusion System in the Real World”, International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, IEEE, 2020
  • Romi Koželj, Žiga Emeršič, Luka Šajn: "Sensitivity analysis for face detection", International Electrotechnical and Computer Conference, IEEE, 2020
  • Anja Hrovatič, Kihoon Kwon, Diego Sušanj, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič, "Generation of 2D ear dataset with annotated view angles as a basis for angle-aware ear recognition", International Electrotechnical and Computer Conference, IEEE, 2019
  • Žiga Emeršič, Aruna Kumar S. V., B. S. Harish, Weronika Gutfeter, Jalil Nourmohammadi Khiarak, Andrzej Pacut, Earnest Hansley, Mauricio Pamplona Segundo, Sudeep Sarkar, Hyeonjung Park, Gi Pyo Nam, Ig-Jae Kim, Sagar G. Sangodkar, Ümit Kaçar, Murvet Kirci, Li Yuan, Jishou Yuan, Haonan Zhao, Fei Lu, Junying Mao, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Dogucan Yaman, Fevziye Irem Eyiokur, Kadir Bulut Özler, Hazım Kemal Ekenel, Debbrota Paul Chowdhury, Sambit Bakshi, Pankaj K. Sa, Banshidhar Majhi, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc: “The Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge 2019”, International Conference On Biometrics, IAPR, 2019
  • Matic Bizjak, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: “Mask R-CNN for Ear Detection”, International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, IEEE, 2019
  • Jihun Kim, Žiga Emeršič, Dong Seog Han: “Vehicle Path Prediction based on Radar and Vision Sensor Fusion for Safe Lane Changing”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, IEEE, 2019
  • Alen Ajanović, Matej Vitek, Blaž Meden, Peter, Peer, Žiga Emeršič: “Comparing performance of biometric models trained on different groups with Bayesian statistics”, ROSUS, 2019
  • Luka Loboda, Matej Vitek, Blaž Meden, Peter, Peer, Žiga Emeršič: “Contactless fingerprint identification using mobile phone camera”, ROSUS, 2019
  • David Romero, Matej Vitek, Blaž Meden, Peter, Peer, Žiga Emeršič: “Subdivided Ear Recognition”, ROSUS, 2019
  • Saul Calderon-Ramirez, Fabian Fallas-Moya, Manuel Zumbado-Corrales, Pascal Tyrrell, Hershel Stark, Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden, Martin Solis: “Assessing The Impact of the Deceived Non Local Means Filter as a Preprocessing Stage in a Convolutional Neural Network Based Approach for Age Estimation Using Digital Hand X-Ray Images“, International Conference on Image Processing: International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, 2018
  • Tim Oblak, Blaž Meden, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič: "Unconstrained ear recognition using residual learning and attention mechanisms", International Electrotechnical and Computer Conference, IEEE, 2018
  • Žiga Emeršič, Nil Oleart Playà, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: “Towards Accessories-Aware Ear Recognition”, International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, IEEE, 2018
  • Janez Križaj, Žiga Emeršič, Simon Dobrišek, Peter Peer and Vitomir Štruc: “Localization of Facial Landmarks in Depth Images using Gated Multiple Ridge Descent”, International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, IEEE, 2018
  • Peter Rot, Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: “Deep Multi-class Eye Segmentation for Ocular Biometrics”, International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, IEEE, 2018
  • Žiga Emeršič, Dejan Štepec, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer, Anjith George, Adil Ahmad, Elshibani Omar, Terrance E. Boult, Reza Safdari, Yuxiang Zhou, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Dogucan Yaman, Fevziye I. Eyiokur, Hazim Kemal Ekenel: “The unconstrained ear recognition challenge”, International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IEEE, 2017
  • Abhijit Das, Umapada Pal, Miguel A. Ferrer, Michael Blumenstein, Dejan Štepec, Peter Rot, Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc, Aruna Kumar S. V., B. S. Harish: “SSERBC 2017: Sclera Segmentation and Eye Recognition Benchmarking Competition”, International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IEEE, 2017
  • Primož Lavrič, Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: “Do it yourself: building a low-cost iris recognition system at home using off-the-shelf components”, International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, IEEE, 2017
  • Rok Novosel, Blaž Meden, Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: “Face recognition with Raspberry Pi for IoT Environments”, International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, IEEE, 2017
  • Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: “Covariate analysis of descriptor-based ear recognition techniques”, International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, IEEE, 2017
  • Blaž Meden, Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: “K-Same-Net: neural-network-based face deidentification”, International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, IEEE, 2017
  • Žiga Emeršič, Dejan Štepec, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "Training Convolutional Neural Networks with Limited Training Data for Ear Recognition in the Wild", Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, -- International Workshop on Biometrics in the Wild IEEE, 2017
  • Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer, Ivica Dimitrovski: "Assessment of predictive clustering trees on 2D-image-based ear recognition", International Electrotechnical and Computer Conference, IEEE, 2016
  • Metod Ribič, Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer: "Influence of alignment on ear recognition: case study on AWE Dataset", International Electrotechnical and Computer Conference, IEEE, 2016
  • Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer: "Toolbox for ear biometric recognition evaluation", International Conference on Computer as a Tool, IEEE, 2015
  • Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer: "Ear biometric database in the wild", International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, IEEE, 2015
  • Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič, Jernej Bule, Jerneja Žganec-Gros: "Multi-modal biometric recognition in the cloud A case study", CLASS Conference, 2013
  • Rok Kreslin, Dejan Dežman, Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer: "Uporaba nekonvencionalnih uporabniških vmesnikov na osnovi računalniškega vida na področju računalniških iger", ROSUS, 2009

Study MaterialUčno gradivo

  • Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden, Peter Peer: "Image based biometry: Tutorials", University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, 2018
  • Peter Peer, Žiga Emeršič, Blaž Meden: "Image based biometry", University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, 2017

Other PublicationsOstale objave

  • Žiga Emeršič: "Visual ear detection and recognition in unconstrained environments", doctoral thesisdoktorska disertacija, 2021
  • Žiga Emeršič: "Razpoznava oseb na podlagi biometričnih podatkov uhljev", master's thesismagistrsko delo, 2015
  • Žiga Emeršič: "Večmodalna biometrična fuzija na osnovi prstnih odtisov in obrazov", bachelor's thesisdiplomsko delo, 2013

Invited Talks & WorkshopsVabljena predavanja in delavnice

  • Invited talk "Ear Biometrics - What, Why and How?" at International Conference on Humans and Technology, 2022, India.Vabljeno predavanje "Biometrija uhljev - kaj, zakaj in kako?" na International Conference on Humans and Technology, 2022, India.
  • Presentation and a brief unedited paper "Biometrics Through Computer Vision" at "1. konferenca prava informacijske varnosti", 2020, Slovenia.Predstavitev in kratek needitiran prispevek "Biometrija skozi računalniški vid" na 1. konferenci prava informacijske varnosti, 2020, Slovenija.
  • Invited talk "Using Ears to Recognize Persons" at IEEE CroSYC, 2019, Croatia.Vabljeno predavanje "Using Ears to Recognize Persons" na IEEE CroSYC, 2019, Hrvaška.
  • Invited talk at the Medical Imaging - Artificial Intelligence Workshop at Alberta Children's Hospital, 2018, Calgary, Canada.Vabljeno predavanje na delavnici z naslovom "Medicinske slike - umetna inteligenca" v Alberta Children's Hospital, 2018, Calgary, Kanada.
  • Invited key speaker at the Second International Symposium on Machine Learning Applications at Costa Rica Institute of Technology, 2018, Costa Rica.Vabljeno predavanje na 2. mednarodnem simpoziju iz aplikacij strojnega učenja v Costa Rica Institute of Technology, 2018, Kostarika.
  • Co-organizer and lecturer of the first machine learning summer school in Central America - EVeMa, 2018, San José, Costa Rica.Soorganizator in predavatelj prve poletne šola strojnega učenja v Centralni Ameriki - EVeMa, 2018, San Jose, Kostarika.
  • Co-organizer of the Summer workshop: development for the iPhone platform, 2009, Slovenia, EU.Soorganizator poletne šole: razvoj za iPhone platformo, 2009, Slovenija.


Work ExperienceDelovne izkušnje

Teaching assistant, Assistant ProfessorAsistent, Docent

October 2015, October 2022 onwardsoktober 2015, oktober 2022 dalje

Faculty of Computer and Information ScienceFakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana.

Research work: biometrics, deep learning, computer vision.
Pedagogical work:
Raziskovalna dejavnost: biometrija, globoko učenje, računalniški vid.
Pedagoška dejavnost:
  • Image-Based Biometry (research oriented MSc course). Lab sessions' content: data acquisition, data annotation, biometric recognition pipeline assembly, performance metrics and analysis, quantitative and qualitative evaluation, object detection and segmentation (sliding window approach, keypoint-based approaches, CNN-based approaches), feature extraction, convolutional neural networks, how to search for good papers, how to write a scientific paper Slikovna biometrija (raziskovalno usmerjen magistrski predmet). Vsebina vaj: pridobivanje podatkov, anotiranje podatkov, priprava cevovoda za biometrično razpoznavo, performančne metrike in analiza, kvantitativno in kvalitativno vrednotenje, prepoznava in segmentacija objektov (princip drsečega okna, metoda ključnih točk, CNN-temelječi pristopi), luščenje značilk, konvolucijske nevronske mreže, kako iskati dobre članke, kako napisati znanstveni članek. .
  • Operating Systems (BSc course)Operacijski sistemi (dodiplomski predmet).
  • Web Programming (BSc course)Spletno programiranje (dodiplomski predmet).

Computer and information sectorSektor: računalništvo in informatika

Start-up co-founder and developerSoustanovitelj in razvijalec

January 2014 – October 2015januar 2014 – oktober 2015

OOSM Ltd, 20-22 Wenlock Road, UK-N1 7GU London

PHP, Javascript, MySQL.

Computer and information sectorSektor: računalništvo in informatika

Software developerRazvijalec programske opreme

October 2011 – October 2015oktober 2011 – oktober 2015

SRC d.o.o., Tržaška cesta 116, SI-1001 Ljubljana

Javascript, Java EE, PHP, C#, MSSQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS.

Computer and information sectorSektor: računalništvo in informatika

Software developer – smaller projectsRazvijalec programske opreme pri manjših projektih

February 2011 – October 2011februar 2011 – oktober 2011

Iks d.o.o., Obrtniška cesta 11a, SI-1420 Trbovlje

PHP, Javascript, MySQL, MSSQL, HTML, CSS.

Computer and information sectorSektor: računalništvo in informatika

Software developerRazvijalec programske opreme

May 2009 – October 2011maj 2009 – oktober 2011

Infonova d.o.o., Koprska ulica 94, SI-100 Ljubljana

C#, PHP, Javascript, Actionscript, Flash, MySQL, SQLite, HTML, CSS.

Computer and information sectorSektor: računalništvo in informatika

Software developer – beginner during high schoolRazvijalec programske opreme - začetnik v času srednje šole

June 2006 – May 2009junij 2006 – maj 2009

RAIS d.o.o., Teslova 30, SI-1000 Ljubljana


Computer and information sectorSektor: računalništvo in informatika

Human InteractionČloveški jeziki

  • Mother tongue: Slovene.Materni jezik: slovenski.
  • Proficient in English.Dobro znanje angleščine.
  • Basic understanding of: German, Serbo-Croatian.Osnovno znanje: nemščine, srbo-hrvaščine.

Computer InteractionRačunalniški jeziki

  • Computer vision, artificial intelligence, biometrics, image processing, object detection, object recognition, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, data mining, privacy and security.Računalniški vid, umetna inteligenca, biometrija, obdelava slik, razpoznava objektov, prepoznava objektov, globoko učenje, konvolucijske nevronske mreže, podatkovno rudarjenje, zasebnost in varnost.

    Work areasPodročja dela

  • GluonCV, Keras, Torch, Caffe, Tensorflow, Theano, MatConvNet.

    Deep learning frameworksOgrodja za globoko učenje

  • Matlab, Javascript (and jQuery), PHP, Python, Java, Java EE, PHP, C#, Actionscript, Bash, C, C++, R, SML, OpenGL, C++, Ruby, Racket, Objective-C, ...

    Programming languagesProgramski jeziki

  • HTML, CSS, XML, LaTeX, XML Schema.

    Description languagesOpisni jeziki

  • MSSQL, MySQL (MariaDB), SQLite, Oracle.

    Database management systems and languagesBazni sistemi

  • Gimp, Photoshop, Unity, Excel, Illustrator, Mathematica, Git, SVN, VMWare, Audacity, ...

    Other (tools)Ostalo (orodja)

  • GNU/Linux, Windows, OS X, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.

    Other (operating systems)Ostalo (operacijski sistemi)

Interests & HobbiesInteresi in hobiji

  • Anything related to computer vision, artificial intelligence, deep learning and deep neural networks. My current focus is in biometrics.Vse kar je povezano z računalniškim vidom, umetno inteligenco, globokim učenjem in globokimi nevronskimi mrežami. Moj trenutni poudarek je na biometriji.
  • In my free time I mostly like to rest and program.V prostem času se najrajši ukvarjam s počivanjem in programiranjem.
Znanstvena besedila nam lektorira FrazeMA. Our scientific texts are proofread and edited by FrazeMA.
An example of ear detection in real-time.Primer delovanja zaznave uhljev v realnem času.