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The Goal
Computer Vision Lab

Computer Vision Laboratory

Research Partners
Links of Interests
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CVL LogoCAIP'99 Pictures

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University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Science

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Tr�a�ka 25, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tel: +386 (61) 1768 381, Fax: +386 (61) 1264 647

Since 1991

Number of Members: 11

Head: prof. Franc Solina

Some pictures

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Click on the thumbnail for bigger picture!

Opening speech... [more]

At the icebreaker party... [more]

Sightseeing of Ljubljana... [more]

In the lobby... [more]

The trip.. .[more]

At the banguet dinner...

Participants at work.. .[more]

Some of the pictures need brightness/contrast correction!

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Peter Peer, 1994 - 1999